about Michel-Édouard Leclerc - MEL Publisher

The MEL Publisher label was created four years ago by Michel-Édouard Leclerc. This publishing house aims to promote and make accessible to as many people as possible the works of contemporary artists that Michel-Édouard Leclerc loves and defends. MEL Publisher produces print editions of major contemporary artists recognized on the international scene.
In a logic of decompartmentalization of the arts, of which Michel-Édouard Leclerc was one of the main pioneers, MEL Publisher is working for the first time to bring together artists from the comic strip and contemporary art. MEL Publisher works closely with artists and printers to create the most emblematic and representative works of each artist's different facets.
«For several years I have been hearing around me employees, young people, collaborators, students who would like to have works of art on their walls but who no longer have the means to do so. In creating MEL Publisher, I wanted to make the art and artists I love accessible to all. The print is an exceptional work of art due to the rare and ancient techniques it requires, and to the close collaboration between artists and craftsmen. Printed in a few copies, they become accessible, once again allowing art to enter every home.» Michel-Édouard Leclerc